Smuffer Kate

Where is The Piggie?

I open the door to check the bedroom. Well, I found Stacy. She is petite, but somehow she has managed to consume the whole bed. All the pillows are scooped into a giant, fluffy mound to prop her up. I hear muffled cries from deep inside Mount Pillow.

With much squirming and wiggling, Piggie roots himself out from under the mound and hops to the foot of the bed where I’m standing.

“She’s trying to smuffer me with the pillows!” He exclaims.

“Piggie,” I say, “you can’t breath!”

“I know! That’s what I’m telling you! She is trying to smuffer-kate me!”

“No,” I explain, “You have no lungs! You CAN’T breath!”

Piggie stops to consider that. He looks at me, then back to the pillow mound, then back to me.

“Oh!” He laughs, “In that case, never mind!” He dives onto the mound and squirms into a crease between two of the pillows. The mound grunts and shudders for a moment — then falls silent after a long “ahhhhhh”.

Good news: I found The Piggie. I turn from the room and close the door behind me.






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