My name is Walter Pig. I am Piggie’s brother, who lives in Oceanside, California!
I visit my brother, Piggie, when I can. Actually, FedEx overnight rates are fairly reasonable.

“Porcine shenanigans during lunch and shopping” from Susan Utting

Hi! I’m Walter. Let me tell you about my adventure with Mom and Sophie this weekend.

I just love a good lunch out. The food, the ambience, the intellectual conversations…

I couldn’t decide between iced tea and lemonade, so Mom ordered something called an “Arnold Palmer” Yummy!

I totally pigged out on the corn bread muffins!

And the fried green tomatoes!

And I went hog-wild over the catfish and collard greens

I wasn’t sure about the steamed cabbage, but I was persuaded to try a bite. Not bad!
Afterwards, we went shopping…

Something to keep me looking handsome.

Ooh, I wonder if this will make me grow up big and strong?

Piggie treats, my favorite!!!

I got in a little trouble for playing hide and seek, but I just couldn’t resist!

Mom was getting mad, so I tried to run away.

But she was too fast for me!

Sophie tried to help me get-away on this ridiculous little bicycle.

Then I decided this tank was way more my style!

All the excitement was wearing me out, so I decided to lay down for an afternoon nap.

But not before stopping to smell the roses. What an adventure!
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